Masri: Hamas would never accept partial solutions or give up rights

Masri: Hamas would never accept partial solutions or give up rights

[ 09/11/2009 – 08:16 PM ]

GAZA, (PIC)– Hamas MP Mushir Al-Masri has denied press allegations that he supported the plan tabled by Israeli MP Shaul Mofaz stipulating the establishment of a Palestinian state with temporary borders.

Masri told PIC that Hamas’s position is clear and stable mainly that the entire land of Palestine is for the Palestinians and that any solutions not meeting the people’s demands are rejected.

Mofaz’s plan reflects a deep crisis within the “Zionist entity”, he said, adding that the peace process was responsible for the emergence of such plans.

“We do not believe in a disarmed state with no right of return for the refugees, which is [American president Barack] Obama’s vision that is circulated by Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas the PA chief whose term in office expired last January],” Masri underlined.

“We believe in a fully sovereign state and restoration of all rights and meeting all of our people’s aspirations,” he elaborated.

The Hamas lawmaker said that his Movement had adopted resistance as a strategy to restore rights and maintain constants, adding that the process of futile negotiations was not in Hamas’s lexicon.

He concluded his statement by saying that anyone believing that Hamas might give up rights or constants or accept partial settlements is living an illusion.


Israel’s “so called” left party Kadima, says “I haz a plan” to end the conflict.

“Israel will lead and will not be led. We will stop occupying another nation.”~MK Shaul Mofaz, Kadima Party

note from wiki: Kadima was originally founded largely to support the issue of Ariel Sharon’s unilateral disengagement plan, and classified itself broadly as centrist and liberal

Curious about this “plan to withdraw from Palestine?” So, do you want to see what “liberal” is in Israel? “Think Swiss Cheese” no, make that “A tiny wee slice of swiss cheese” see here:

1. 60% of West Bank AND Gaza goes to Palestine, so, Palestine gets to actually keep 60% of what has been left after years of Israeli land theft, Israel gets to keep 40% of what it “recently” stole, after it’s last theft in 1967

2. A demilitarized Palestinian state, note the word “state” not country. So Palestine gets to be a shitty little unarmed subdivision of Israel, instead of a sovereign Country.

3. 90% of Palestinians will live in this 60% area which Israel has decided will be Palestine. Pack your bags people! You’re all going on a trip………………Don’t forget your sunglasses, you’ll be needing them in your new “outdorsey” location called “Tentsville”

4. “evacuation-compensation bills will be passed” All displaced, evicted, de-housed homeless Palestinian refugees will get a token “Shekel” for all their troubles. Hmm, wonder what type of spending spree those compensated Palestinians will go on. Probably all be lining up for one of those new fangled “tent homes” we see spreading across Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon………

5. No settlements will be evacuated. But, Palestinains will be allowed to drive by on day trips, “from a distance” to view and take pictures (like tourists) of the lush green water abundant oasis’ settlements on their land, before returning to “Tentsville.” Wow the left is “so left” in Israel, Peace man, far out! Power to the people, pass that peace pipe sister! Here’s the “Plan”:

MK Shaul Mofaz (Kadima) on Sunday presented his new diplomatic plan for the formation of a Palestinian state in 60 percent of the West Bank, followed by final border negotiations.

The time has come to make decisions. As a candidate to lead the country,

Mofaz called for a demilitarized Palestinian state, setting Israel’s permanent borders. “Israel will lead and will not be led. We will stop occupying another nation. We must strengthen Israel’s position internationally.

As a first step, the Palestinian state will be in 60 percent of the West Bank and Gaza. 90 percent of the Palestinians will be there and no settlements will be evacuated.”

Upon creation of the demilitarized state, Mofaz said that permanent, defensible borders will be negotiated while evacuation-compensation bills are enacted. After the negotiations and the implementation of understandings, the two states would implement agreements on core issues like refugees, Jerusalem, and borders.(Or what’s left of them after this “plan”) link

Posted by Irish4Palestine at 10:43 AM

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Kadima, Settlements and settlers, Two States Solution, Uprooted Palestines,

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