After their Yafa tour PA’s security collaborators militias take Israeli officers on tour in Qalqiliya

[ 27/05/2010 – 10:44 AM ]

QALQILIYA, (PIC)– A Palestinian informed source revealed that a meeting, preceded by a field tour in Qalqiliya city, took place between Mahmoud Abbas’s security militias and Israeli officers on Tuesday evening.

The source told the Palestinian information center (PIC) that a number of cars boarded by Abbas’s militia men, officers of the Palestinian Authority (PA), received Israeli military vehicles at the northern entrances of Qalqiliya.
It affirmed that the PA officers took their Israeli friends on a tour through Qalqiliya’s streets and drank some juice with them in full view of Palestinian citizens who expressed their outrage at this provocative behavior.

Following the tour, the source added, the Israeli officers were taken to the PA security headquarters in the city to discuss with them avenues for promoting joint security cooperation, especially with regard to the arrest of young boys who throw stones at Israeli settlers and the Palestinian citizens suspected of links to Hamas and Islamic Jihad Movements.

A similar meeting was held a few days ago between Israeli and PA officers in the Palestinian lands occupied in 1948.

Java Palestinians on right, Israelis on left (Photo: Dudu Azoulay)

For their part, the Hamas lawmakers in Ramallah strongly denounced the frenzied arrest campaign carried out by Abbas’s militias in all West Bank cities, which aims to eradicate their Movement.

In a press release on Wednesday, the lawmakers pointed out that Abbas’s militias focus during their interrogation of Hamas detainees nowadays on asking them about their Movement’s position on the forthcoming local elections, although the Hamas leadership had already stated its boycott of these elections.

They considered that this campaign, which mostly targets ex-detainees in Israeli jails, falls within the context of the security coordination between Abbas’s militias and Israel.

They also said that these arrests vindicate further that Fatah faction and its authority do not want the national reconciliation to take place whether Egypt’s paper was signed or not and uses this paper only as a “fig leaf” to cover its ongoing violations in the West Bank.

In a related incident, Palestinian local sources reported Thursday that Abbas’s militias kidnapped during the last two days seven Palestinian citizens thought to be affiliated with Hamas from the cities of Nablus, Jenin and Ramallah.

Among the citizens, Khaldoun Al-Madloum, the information office coordinator of Hamas lawmakers in Ramallah, who was rounded up as he was leaving the office.

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