Israeli female soldier confesses to her involvement in killing Palestinian child

[ 19/07/2010 – 12:42 PM ]

RAMALLAH, (PIC)– An Israeli female soldier admitted in a TV show entitled “soldiers behind the scenes” that she helped once her comrades to kill a Palestinian child in cold blood, but she did not disclose when and where the crime took place.

“I was monitoring through the camera at the command center the movements of Palestinian children throwing stones at the army and directing soldiers to move towards the kids, and under my guidance through the walkie-talkie, they killed a Palestinian kid,” the soldier said.

She added that she, afterwards, received congratulations from the soldiers on the killing of the child and claimed she was shocked by this news and felt her directions were the direct cause of the death of this innocent child.

She also confessed that the slain child did not constitute any threat to the heavily-armed soldiers.

Another female soldier also told the channel that she arbitrarily detained and tortured dozens of Palestinian citizens during her shift at the Shave Shomron checkpoint located between Nablus and Jenin.

She blatantly said she detained 80 Palestinians, only for pleasure, and forced them to stay under scorching sunlight while she was yelling at them without any reason and watching them suffer from boiling heat.

Meanwhile, the Haaretz newspaper reported Monday morning that the Israeli government and the military commandership are mulling over revoking the ban imposed on the entry of settlers into the West Bank cities under the control of the Palestinian authority (PA).

The newspaper added that this came as a result of the significant improvement in the security situation in the PA-controlled territories and the cooperation between Mahmoud Abbas’s security apparatuses and Israel.

The Israeli settlers were banned entry into the West Bank cities after the outbreak of the second intifada (uprising) especially when several incidents of kidnapping and killing were reported against them.

For his part, Dr. Abdulsattar Qassem, a professor of political science at Al-Najah university in Nablus, condemned the security cooperation between Abbas’s authority and Israel as a big crime against the Palestinian people.

Dr. Qassem told the Palestinian information center (PIC) commenting on Israel’s intention to allow settlers to enter West Bank cities that this matter is not political as some may believe, but it is a security-related issue resulting from the success of Abbas’s security apparatuses in guarding the safety of Israeli settlers and their high-level cooperation with Israel.

“What is happening is a big crime against the Palestinian people; the party who leads the negotiation team signed long time ago on everything and it is ready to defend the Zionists’ security by all means,” the professor underscored.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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