Kadima: Netanyahu not serious about peace talks with Fatah

[ 01/08/2010 – 07:29 PM ]

NAZARETH, (PIC)– Israeli Kadima party chairman Haim Ramon questioned whether Benjamin Netanyahu’s government was “seriously” planning to go into negotiations with the Fatah authority in Ramallah, especially regarding the issues of security and borders, which form the basis for direct talks according to the Fatah authority.

Ramon told Hebrew radio on Sunday: “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not intend to negotiate with the Palestinians seriously about the security and borders issues,” confirming in prior statements that it is impossible for the present Israeli government to grant the Palestinians more than what previous governments had offered.

Hebrew media sources reported that the Kadima party has called on the Fatah authority not to resume face-to-face talks with the Netanyahu administration, convinced of the “non-feasibility” of the negotiating process under the conditions imposed by the Israeli premier.

Meanwhile in Jerusalem, PLO chief negotiator Saeb Erekat said that former Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas presented to U.S. Mideast envoy George Mitchell proposals which supposedly exceed proposals offered to former Israeli FM, Ehud Olmert.

According to statements he made for the Israeli Haaretz newspaper published on Sunday, Erekat noted that the proposals will end feuds with Israel and provide the Palestinians with their demands. He added that the proposals include zoning plans and details of the Palestinians’ position for the final outcomes in issues such as borders, refugees, water, and security.

News reports have circulated about Abbas authority’s consent to trade 2.3% of the land area in West Bank, while other reports suggested an area of up to 3.8%.

Erekat said that the Palestinian Authority wished for negotiations yesterday and not tomorrow, assuring that the PA does not oppose direct talks, but Netanyahu is the one who holds the key for negotiations.

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