>Qassem: The PA-Israeli talks are only aimed at eliminating the Palestinian cause


Qassem: The PA-Israeli talks are only aimed at eliminating the Palestinian cause
[ 23/10/2010 – 02:07 PM ]
RAMALLAH, (PIC)– Professor of political science Abdelsattar Qassem said that the Palestinian authority’s negotiations with the Israeli occupation state are only part of a long, old process aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause and serving the Israeli interests alone.
In a press statement to Quds Press on Friday, Qassem added that since the balance of power is unequal and in favor of the Israeli occupation, the peace talks will always serve its interests, noting that all those who think they can depend on these talks to restore the usurped Palestinian rights do not understand history at all.

“For years I have mistrusted the Palestinian negotiator and considered his political attempts part of the process of eliminating the Palestinian cause, and unfortunately this conviction becomes stronger everyday.”
Now they are talking about stopping the direct negotiations while the security coordination is ongoing, and in fact what the negotiations are intended for is the security coordination and as long as this was realized, the occupation is already in no need for the negotiations,” the professor stressed.

“So if the Palestinian side was sincere in stopping the negotiations and rejecting settlement expansion, it would have to end the security coordination first, or else there would be no sense if it already stopped these talks,” the professor added.

As for the inter-Palestinian division, Qassem said it does not need mediation efforts or long discussions for its solutions are crystal clear to anyone genuinely willing to achieve the national reconciliation in the Palestinian arena.

“I do not think there could be reconciliation as long as there are two opposite trends, and I do not think the reconciliation will be meaningful if it is with a party recognizing, normalizing ties and having security cooperation with the Zionist entity; if all this stopped, there would be automatically reconciliation without mediation,” he underscored.

For his part, Hamas spokesman Yousuf Farahat stated that the PA security apparatuses in the West Bank turned into exclusive agents for the Israeli occupation protecting its security and savage settlers.

In a press release on Saturday, Farahat emphasized that the PA’s security cooperation with the Israeli occupation is a big treason, condemning this level of collaboration while the Israeli government is persistent in its settlement activities and waging an eradication war against the people of occupied Jerusalem.

[ 23/10/2010 – 02:20 PM ]

GAZA, (PIC)– The Hamas Movement strongly denounced security officers from the Palestinian Authority (PA) for visiting Rabin center in Tel Aviv, saying the security apparatuses in the West Bank stooped to a serious level in its relations with the Israeli occupation.

In a statement on Saturday, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum stressed that such visits and meetings have repercussions on the internal front and the Palestinian people’s right to resist the occupation.

Spokesman Barhoum said that the national reconciliation poses a threat to the leaders of the PA security apparatuses who enjoy great advantages thanks to their relations with the Israeli occupation, warning that the fall of this group into this quagmire caused damage to the unity of the West Bank, the national cause and the inter-Palestinian reconciliation.

Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper said that head of PA security apparatuses paid on Thursday evening a secret visit to Rabin center located in Ramat Aviv neighborhood in Tel Aviv.

In a separate incident, the PA security militias still prevent many Palestinian families from visiting their sons in their jails, according to different local sources on Saturday.

Prisoner Saleh Al-Qawasmi has been in solitary confinement for more than one month and a half in Al-Khalil city and his family is still banned by the PA security apparatuses from seeing him.

Another prisoner called Ala’a Al-Jabari is also prevented from seeing his family, especially after he was transferred to hospital in serious health condition as a result of his exposure to severe torture in PA jails in Al-Khalil.

A number of detainees who were released recently from Al-Khalil jails said on condition of anonymity that many prisoners suffer from frequent nervous breakdowns because of the excruciating torture inflicted on them by interrogators.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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