>Mishaal: End foreign intervention to accelerate reconciliation


[ 01/12/2010 – 10:43 AM ]
DAMASCUS, (PIC)– Khaled Mishaal, the political bureau chairman of Hamas, has asserted that his movement was keen on achieving inter-Palestinian reconciliation the soonest.

Mishaal, speaking to the Kuwait news agency (KUNA) on Tuesday, called for ending foreign intervention, which tries to obstruct the reconciliation process.

The Hamas leader, who was meeting with Kuwaiti parliament speaker Jassem Al-Kharafi, said that the USA’s unlimited support for Israel was driving the latter to more aggression and to maintain its obstinacy.

He briefed his guest on latest Palestine cause developments including the internal reconciliation process, adding that contacts with the Kuwaiti leadership never ceased over most issues especially the Palestinian developments.

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