>Leaks: PA Agreed to Cede All of Occupied East Al-Quds

>Al-Manar, PLC, Al-Jazeera,

Leaks: PA Agreed to Cede All of Occupied East Al-Quds

24/01/2011 Leaked controversial documents on allegedly secret talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA), shows that Palestinian negotiators agreed to concede almost all of the occupied East al-Quds (Jerusalem) to Israel.

More than 16,000 documents on secret talks between 2000 and 2010 were released by the Guardian newspaper and Al-Jazeera TV.

The documents covered sensitive issues like the right of return of Palestinian refugees, the close cooperation between Israel and Palestinian Authority Security forces, land swaps in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, and of Israeli warnings to the PA of the imminent invasion of the Gaza Strip in 2008-09.
The documents said that the unprecedented proposal was just one of a string of concessions offered by the Palestinian Authority (PA).

The report, released on Al-Jazeera on Sunday, said it has 16,076 confidential records of meetings, emails and communications between the Palestinian Authority, Israeli and US leaders.

According to the report, PA leaders were privately tipped off about Israel’s 2008-9 war in Gaza, which killed over 1,400 Palestinians and injured thousands of others.

The documents also maintain that Palestinian Authority’s chief negotiator Saeb Erekat proposed that al-Quds’ Old City be divided, but he immediately denied he had made the offer.

In an interview with The Jerusalem Post, Erakat condemned Al-Jazeera, saying the station “has declared war on the Palestinians.”

“This station serves the interests of the enemies of the Palestinians,” Erakat said, adding that the PA Chief Mahmoud Abbas, who is currently in Cairo, would decide on the PA’s response to the exposure of the documents in the coming hours.

Other documents showed that in May 2008, the PA negotiator at the time, Ahmed Qureia, had proposed that Israel annex all illegal settlements in East al-Quds except Har Homa (Jabal Abu Ghneim), in a bid to reach a final deal.

“This is the first time in history that we make such a proposition,” he reportedly said, pointing out that this was a bigger concession than made at Camp David talks in 2000.

Meanwhile, other files showed how the PA allegedly agreed to allow only 10,000 Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and a total of 100,000 over a ten-year period.

Since 1967, Israel has occupied the West Bank, including East al-Quds and has settled close to 500,000 Jews in more than 100 illegal settlements.

[ 24/01/2011 – 11:24 AM ]

GAZA, (PIC)– The Hamas Movement said that the confidential documents leaked by Al-Jazeera satellite channel about the peace talks between the Fatah-controlled Palestinian authority (PA) and Israel is very serious poof of the PA’s involvement in attempts to liquidate the Palestinian cause.

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri told the Palestinian information center (PIC) that these documents revealed the PA’s attempts to undermine the Palestinian people’s rights, especially the right of return and the holy city as well as its cooperation with Israel against the Palestinian resistance and its involvement in the blockade and the last war on Gaza.

“We consider these documents are further evidence of the security and political decadence which the PA stooped to,” spokesman Abu Zuhri underscored.

For his part, Abdulsatter Qassem, a noted professor of political science in Nablus city, said that the documents which were disclosed by Al-Jazeera satellite channel about the process of negotiation between the PA and Israel and the consequent serious concessions made by the PA were known by many circles inside and outside Palestine.

Qassem in a statement to the PIC said that the PA negotiator was never honest with its people. “The whole issue should be returned to its root. Look for the origin of the negotiator, where he came from, how they came and on what ground he was standing?”

The professor pointed out that any Arab peace talks with Israel are always based on the protection of its security and any Arab party refusing to accept that would not be allowed by Israel to take part in these talks.
Al-Jazeera channel on Sunday started to unveil 1, 600 documents about the PA-Israeli talks, the first part of them showed considerable generous concessions made by the PA negotiation team without getting anything in return, especially with regard to the issues of Jerusalem, refugees, borders and security.

The channel initially presented documents related to the concessions made by the PA regarding the issue of Jerusalem and will show gradually in the coming days other documents related to the security cooperation with Israel, Gaza war and Goldstone report.

Among the documents are maps for the proposed Palestinian state prepared by PA negotiators.
In a meeting on the fourth of May 2008, the PA delegation headed by chief negotiator Ahmed Qurei gave their Israeli counterparts these maps, together with Qurei’s confirmation that there was a common interest in retaining some of the Israeli settlements in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

According to figures mentioned in these maps, the rate of land swap between the two sides in south Jerusalem was one percent for the Palestinians and 50 percent for Israelis.
The maps also illustrates that the PA offered to concede all of east Jerusalem as a historic concession for Israel in return for getting lands in places other than the holy city.
According to the leaked documents, PA negotiators privately discussed with Americans and Israelis in different meetings in 2008 and 2009 the possibility of giving Israel what they called the biggest Yerushalayim in history and giving up part of the flashpoint Arab neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah.
Al-Jazeera Video: Al Jazeera interviews Abdel Bari Atwan, Editor Al-Quds Al-Arabi

Al-Jazeera Video: Swapping land in East Jerusalem

Al-Jazeera Video: Erekat’s act equals up to treason: Political analyst

Rice: Let us not leave the issues and talk about potential threat….Israel defeated some armies and we defeated others. Then armies do no pose a threat but terrorism does…. At this time there is no threat from the east because our forces are in Iraq and will stay there for a long time.

Saeb: For a very, very long time.

Posted by G, Z, or B at 10:14 PM

Abbas the ‘weak & desperate’: “..every bullet that is aimed in the direction of Israel is a bullet aimed at the Palestinians

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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