>PA call for elections doomed, it is a kind of savvy and political cunning


Qassem: PA call for elections doomed
[ 14/02/2011 – 09:24 AM ]

RAMALLAH, (PIC)– Dr. Abdulsattar Qassem, professor of political science, said that the Palestinian Authority and the PLO should leave the Palestinian political arena and apologize for their mistakes to the Palestinian, Arab and Islamic peoples.

Qassem in a press release on Monday said that the PLO, PA call for election is doomed to failure.

“As usual the Oslo authority (PA) in Ramallah failed to face the truth as is, and failed to admit national, political, and ethical crimes committed against the Palestinian people over the past 23 years since the Palestinian national council’s recognition of Israel in 1988,” he said.

The professor, a former presidential candidate, called for the immediate release of all political detainees, halting security coordination with Israel, prosecuting corrupt elements, compensating those harmed by such corruption, sacking the Fayyad government, and finding new financial resources.

Abu Zuhri: Forming a new government in W. Bank unconstitutional

[ 14/02/2011 – 03:11 PM ]

GAZA, (PIC)– The Hamas Movement said that de facto president Mahmoud Abbas’s decision to mandate Salam Fayyad to form a new government in Ramallah city is unacceptable and unconstitutional, adding that the current government in the West Bank is already illegal.

“Any government can only be legitimate after it is referred to the legislative council and gain a vote of confidence, and this thing was not there in Fayyad’s government,” spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri underlined in a press statement to the Palestinian information center (PIC).

Spokesman Abu Zuhri affirmed that the intended formation of a new de facto government in Ramallah is proactive step aimed at preventing the West Bankers from taking to the streets to protest against the Palestinian authority (PA) and its policies especially after Al-Jazeera channel’s revelations.

The spokesman emphasized that the PA has to straighten its political deviation and stop its security crimes and cooperation with the Israeli occupation or else the Palestinian street will certainly move against it.

Hamas: Resignation of Palestinian cabinet was only a formality

[ 14/02/2011 – 04:32 PM ]
GAZA, (PIC)– Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said the reshuffle Abbas made Sunday to the Palestinian government was only a formality and had no connection with claimed reforms.

The move was not even to the interest of the people, Barhoum said.

As demands for government changes sweep the Arab world, Palestine’s de facto president Mahmoud Abbas has ordered the resignation of the PA government.

It was no more than a repositioning of the government’s leaders and a trend in Fatah to once again fortify its influence in the West Bank and give cover to the farce of coming elections, Barhoum said.

MP Yahya Moussa, who represents Hamas’s Change and Reform bloc in the Palestinian Legislative Council, condemned the move ordered by the de facto Prime Minister in Ramllah Salam Fayyad, saying Fayyad took authority without consulting the PLC.

”Choosing this time for the resignation of Fayyad and his illegitimate government is a kind of savvy and political cunning to change faces in light of revolution against injustice and changes occurring in the Arab world,” Moussa said.

Fayyad’s cabinet played the same game before, he said, in bids to absorb anger of the masses dissatisfied with the cabinet.

Mizan center calls for holding no elections without national agreement
MP Zeidan: Elections not in best interests of Palestinians

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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