>PFLP: Fatah eliminated all PLO factions from union elections


[ 21/03/2011 – 02:22 PM ]

NABLUS, (PIC)– Senior official of the popular front for the liberation of Palestine (PFLP) Zaher Al-Shishtri accused Fatah faction of eliminating all member factions of the Palestinian liberation organization (PLO) from the elections for the union of civil servants.

Shishtri, a PFLP candidate for the union elections, said the elections that took place on Sunday led to the victory of Fatah members only.

He affirmed that Fatah violated what was agreed up with other PLO factions about creating a genuine partnership in the union.

The PFLP official called on Fatah to stop its anti-democratic actions in any electoral process, considering what happened a very serious indicator about the future of any national elections to be held in the Palestinian arena.

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