>New single for Palestine aims to make it into the charts


One world, a coalition of UK artists including members of Faithless are releasing a new single entitled ‘Freedom for Palestine‘:

The single has received an endorsement from Coldplay much to the ire of their Israeli fans. Some of the comments are – naturally – racist, others are downright idiotic:

Coldplay = Hitler lovers
‘reality is Palastine is an area that was once belong to Jordan and the “palastine” people are refugees from Jordan!’
‘Wtf you have millions of fans in israel and you stand with terrorists??’
‘These people are TERRORISTS and they have NO RIGHT to have freedom, unless they change their ideology’

It looks like the video is going to go viral and they havent even released the single yet, they’re planning to do so at the beginning of July so there is a real chance this could get into the charts.

You can pre-order the single from iTunes or from HMV. You have more than a month between now and the 3rd of July to tell your friends, family and post it all over social media. I will be following this campaign and will be updating this page. Do your part and this can happen.

Posted by Leeds2Palestine at 16:38

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

About uprootedpalestinians

A displaced Palestinian
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