"Davutoglu Left Damascus with New Beliefs"

Hussein Assi

Mario Aoun to Al-Manar Website:
  • Let March 14 Forces Stop Playing with Fire!
  • Davutoglu Left Damascus with New Beliefs;
  • Assad Started Fulfilling Reform Promises;
  • March 14 Bloc Implements Western Orders;
  • Electricity Bill: Parliament Committed Mistake

Former Minister Mario Aoun said that the Free Patriotic Movement stands at the side of the rightful demands of the people everywhere, but noted that the Syrian crisis has overcome the reform demands. He remarked that President Bashar Assad started fulfilling his promises concerning reform to conclude that the real plot is to overthrow the regime, through armed terrorist organizations.
In an exclusive interview with Al-Manar Website, Aoun criticized the stances made by March 14 forces which urged President Michel Suleiman to summon Lebanon’s ambassador to Syria for ‘consultations.’ He called these forces to stop playing with fire, and said this bloc was implementing American and Western orders.

Aoun also rejected the Lebanese Parliament’s failure to adopt the electricity draft bill, and expected that the move was taken to pave the way for more contacts. He undermined claims that such law would cost the treasury, and wondered whether it was possible to lighten Lebanon ‘for free.’


Former Minister Mario Aoun told Al-Manar Website that the latest developments in Syria reflected some pressure executed against the Syrian regime by the West, mainly the American administration, in order to achieve specific political gains. He said that the American policy in the region only leads to divisions and chaos in the Arab states, in an attempt to reach solutions to the Middle East crisis and Israel, according to the American wishes.

Aoun put all the events taking place in the region from Afghanistan to Iraq, Yemen, Tunisia and even Sudan in the same framework of serving the American agenda. He based his analysis on the fact that the Syrian crisis was a representation of the American administration’s pressure, taking place through various tools, including the Turkish side.

Answering a question, Aoun admitted that all nations, including the United States and Europe, have rightful demands. He declared that the Free Patriotic Movement backs the rightful demands of all nations without exceptions, especially the demands related to reform. Yet, he remarked that Syrian President Bashar Assad has started fulfilling reform demands.


Aoun stressed that the latest incidents in Syria showed that the whole issue was not related to reform. “What they seek is to overthrow the regime in Syria, through armed terrorist organizations,” he said.
While noting that riots are taking place in Syria, he said that Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu touched this reality when he visited Damascus on Tuesday. He said that the Turkish FM arrived to Syria with strong messages but left the Syrian capital with different convictions and beliefs.
The former minister criticized the stances made by March 14 forces which urged President Michel Suleiman to summon Lebanon’s ambassador to Syria for ‘consultations.’ He called these forces to stop playing with fire, and said this bloc was implementing American and Western orders.


The Free Patriotic Movement official tackled the draft law on electricity that was suggested by Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun. The draft bill allows Energy Minister Gebran Bassil to receive $1,200,000,000 to implement a project on producing 700 Megawatts of electricity.

Minister Aoun said that the parliament’s failure to approve this draft bill was a mistake, and found strange how Lebanese are always unable to carry out any project. He said there’s no way to resolve the electricity crisis without carrying out the plan set by Minister Bassil. He also regretted the fact that some politicians, including former Prime Minister Fouad Saniora, claimed that the bill would cost the treasury. He wondered whether it was possible to lighten all Lebanon ‘for free.’

Answering a question, Aoun refused to link the parliament’s failure to endorse the law with politics. He favored to say that the parliament postponed the move to pave the way for more contacts. He stressed that the Free Patriotic Movement, when it proposes any law, it’s concerned with the country’s interest, far from its own interests.

Source: Website Team

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