In case you missed it: Gordon Duff: AMERICA MUST ATTACK GADDAFI NOW!

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The United States has every right and reason to act unilaterally to eliminate Gaddafi and the cabal of gangsters that surround him.

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By Gordon Duff Senior Editor Veterans Today [Son of the nation of heroes]

The brutality in Libya can’t be allowed to continue. Colonel Gaddafi, through his sweetheart deals with oil companies and his “good friends” like former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, has managed to remain in power for over 40 years. America has prepared to topple his rule a dozen times, each time he has maneuvered, bribed and cajoled, each time he has managed to survive.

Now he is murdering his own people by the thousand. He is doing so because he has no place to go in exile. Nobody will have him. He is fighting for his life like a caged animal.

When Saddam slaughtered the Kurds, Bush Sr. stood silent, called back our aircraft and watched.
We are now doing the same, talking sanctions but secretly hoping that Israel’s friend in North Africa will somehow survive while an American carrier battle group sits offshore.

This is the slaughter of the Kurds all over again.

America feels it no longer has moral authority to act for decent democracy loving people, not since the brutal and mindless acts of the Bush administration. We can’t allow an era of criminality to define America as a castrated giant.

“The United States has every right and reason to act unilaterally to eliminate Gaddafi and the cabal of gangsters that surround him. Americans are dying every day, particularly in Afghanistan. They are giving their lives in a war against a people who believe they are fighting for their own freedom. President Obama, who had promised to end the conflict in Afghanistan has been trapped by his own timidity and in doing so has put reigned over continued injustice, seeking nonexistent solutions to an unwinnable war.”

Libya is here and now.

Libya is right against wrong.

If Americans have to give their lives, if we have to see our dead returned to their families, let it not be as it was during the Bush era, secret planes sneaking back to America in the dark of night.
We can still be a nation of heroes if we are allowed to be, if we are led honorably.

You are led “honarably” by Netanyaho..

Killed by the nation of war criminials
Dead civilians in Zliten Hospital. CNN cameraman in background. Copyright, Matthew Ozanon 2011
“Bought and Paid For Journalists” thus claimed the “hero”

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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