#Tahrir : And the Camel Battle goes on "Live updated"

The CSF and military police tried to disperse the Tahrir sit in by extreme force from two hours ago and it was aired on TVs . We saw the tents on fire , we saw the conscripts and stealing the tents. We saw it on TV by our own eyes. After an hour or something the CSF and the military police left again the square and the protesters returned again. There are not less 10 thousands now at Tahrir square chanting against SCAF and the MOI. Here is the Tahrir square from short while ago from Shorouk newspaper.

Not less than 5 are reportedly killed , hundreds are reportedly injured. According to the ministry of health not less than 196 have been injured. The field hospitals in Tahrir square are in desperate need for medical supplies. Live ammunition , rubber bullets and gunshots are reportedly used.
Here is a photo for inside the Omar Makram mosque’s field hospital by friend Mahmoud Gamal El Din.
There are four field hospitals now in Tahrir , one at KFC ,one at Champleon street , One at Omar Makram mosque and one at the Dobra Church hospital
Potential presidential candidate Bothiana Kamel was arrested near the ministry of interior but was later released. Kamel insisted not to be released except with the protesters who were arrested with her. Kamel says that she was harassed by police and her daughter Mariam Abu Ghazi was beaten along with a group of other young protesters.
There were army officer and 4 conscripts from military police captured in Omar Makram Mosque. They have reportedly left the mosque.

The Emam of Omar Makram Mazhar Shahin had talks with the MOI at the ministry HQ to release the protesters and he is not detained.
The Egyptian government denies using live ammunition and is supporting the ministry of interior in securing the elections according to a statement issued from short while ago. I do not know what the MOI thinks of this video showing the CSF conscript pulling the dead body of another Egyptian , another human and threw to a pile of garbage !!!!

Tahrir : After the attack

Emad Abu Ghazi presented his resignation from the minister of culture’s position objecting the dispersing of the sit in in this way. Of course it is worth to mention that Mariam Abu Ghazi and his ex-wife Bothiana Kamel have been detained for a while by the MOI as mentioned earlier.
Actor Tawfik Abdel Hamid has resigned from position in the national theater objecting the attack on the protesters.
Hundreds are currently protesting in Alexandria , Tanta , Suez , Port Said, Mansoura , Gharbia , Behaira , Asuit and Sohag in solidarity with Tahrir square.
April 6th Youth Movement has announced that they will start a sit in at Tahrir square.Here is one of the first tents re-installed once again at Tahrir square.

By Mohamed El Shafy

The Ultras Ahlawy and Ultras White Knights Zamalek have arrived to Tahrir square.
ElBaradei and Abu El Fatouh are going to appear with Mona El Shazly on 10 PM , ElBaradei presented to Anan a statement signed by 87 public personality demanding a national salivation government.
I do not know and I do not have any clue , it is all dark and shady in front of us.
Ahmed Harara has lost his second eye . He is not blind , those who are in power now are the blind.
Here is another shocking photo by Anjali Kamat “Democracy Now” from couple of hours ago , these are not 5 bodies. I do not know if they are unconscious or dead.

By Anjali Kamat
Al Wasat Party is calling Tantawy to hand over power by April 201.
Reem Maged has shown the video of that dead body dragged by the CSF conscripts , I hope that she and ONTV show that video filmed by Al Masry Al Youm from Tahrir where a young protester is dragged by her hair by military police.

SCAF has issued a statement , short statement that will not solve the situation :

Of course SCAF’s statement will not be the last with all what is taking now and also it is not worse than what the National council has issued.He is the full statement from SCAF’s official Facebook page.
If we are going to blame somebody by names from our politicians to what we have reached in Egypt from situation , I will blame by name the head of National council Mamdouh Hamza and the council’s member Tahany El Gabli.
Here is an updated list by the names of the detainees so far.
Here is another live bullet from one of the victims of tonight’s massacre

It is 11:07 PM and there are still people dying in Tahrir , Dr. Heba Raouf says that there was a 13 years old kid that shot and died tonight.
Not less than 11 are reportedly killed.
The Mohamed Mahmoud street is a war zone literally.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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A displaced Palestinian
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