The moral emergency argument

The moral emergency argument

Partners | 14 December 2011


Two allegations were brought forward by the Atlanticist organs of communication:
- 1. In her oral report to the Security Council, the High Commissioner for Human Rights supported the accusation that the repression had claimed the lives of more than 5000 people in Syria in nine months. Worse, the repression is escalating, since 1000 deaths were reported in the last ten days alone. It would be therefore urgent to intervene militarily to protect the population.
- 2. The French Ambassador’s intervention at the end of the High Commissioner’s report was intended as an indictment against Russia and China for their complicity, hence responsibility, in the unfolding massacre.

The host of awards conferred on the Syrian opposition is part and parcel of this campaign. It grants them a sheen of legitimacy and fogs their Islamism. The Sakharov Prize bestowed by the European Parliament to five leaders of the “Arab spring”, including a young Syrian girl, adds to the list of prizes awarded by various think tanks and foundations, including the Nobel Foundation.

• Such rhetoric has two objectives:

- 1. To deter Russia and China from recasting their veto against a resolution authorizing the use of force.
- 2. To cloak NATO’s responsibility during the massacres. In contrast, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs classified as “immoral” the refusal by the Atlanticists to pull out their dogs of war.

• A new propaganda theme emerged to the effect that Syria represses its artists. For its part, Newsweek evoked an army of children who would be ready to stand up against the regime. This whopper helps to explain why the “regime” kills children. Most importantly, it validates the worthiness of the cause (“the truth comes from the mouth of children”), even if this accusation, if true, would constitute a glorification of child soldiers. (See photo p. 28) .

• In the Washington Times, Arnaud de Borchegrave voices concern over the Obama-Clinton doctrine supporting democracy in the Arab world, since it paves the way for the election of anti-American or anti-Israeli figures.

• The Gulf press, for its part, relays a statement by the King of Bahrain published in yesterday’s Daily Telegraph (text p.30). He says that there is no revolution in his kingdom, but unrest fomented by Iran and Syria. The overthrow of Bashar al-Assad thus becomes a necessity so that Bahrainis can live in peace.

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