Libya, a brief situation report before the holidays.

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It is long ago that it was possible to report about “the” war in Libya, which was a war of aggression and conquest by an imperial alliance. The situation has developed into a far more complex series of conflicts with non defined front lines, volatile alliances, and as typical in this type of conflict, the laughing third who profits from the internal divisions.
Yesterday a large group of protesters went into the streets of Bengazi, the hide out of the so called Transitional Government, the bastion of Al-Qaeda, and demanded the immediate withdrawal of all foreign fighters. The population of Bengazi is terrorized by foreign Al-Qaeda and Taliban as well as other mercenary fighters on a daily basis. Protesters also and specifically demanded that Mustapha Abdeljalil leave Bengazi and Libya and that all foreign fighters leave, including those of the alliance of 13 nations troops that have been invited into the country by the TNC. The demonstration was attacked and dispersed with gunfire. There are no reports about casualties available.
At about midnight Tripoli, Tajoura was awaken by heavy clashes between Libyan resistance fighters and the so called New Libyan Army under the command of Abdelhakim Belhadj. Fighting also erupted in Bani Walid and other Libyan cities.
According to so far unconfirmed reports 200 Libyan fighters who had been infiltrated into Syria have so far been killed by the Syrian military forces. NATO is currently training insurgents used for the destabilization of Syria in Libya, under the supervision of Abdelhakim Belhadj.
The situation of Saif Islam al-Ghadafi remains uncertain since he has not been able to freely speak on his behalf. As long as Saif can not freely speak about himself and his situation he should be considered as in danger, and as illegally kept under arrest.
The dispute about the fate and status of Muammar Ghadafi continues, and most probably to the great relief of his enemies. As long as international and independent media dispute one another about whether Muammar Ghadafi was murdered or not a lot of energy that could otherwise be spent on organizing legal action against NATO is diffused. If Muammar Ghadafi is alive and well, as reported by some, then someone else was brutally and illegally murdered by NATO, and a crime that needs to be prosecuted has been committed. If Muammar Ghadafi has been murdered, it also needs to be prosecuted.
In spite of Russian demands to fully investigate war crimes committed in Libya it is unlikely that the ICC will be the right institution for an investigation or trials. As part of the United Nations, and subsequent to the United Nations Security Counsels resolution 1973 that was used by NATO to justify it´s military aggression, the U.N. and thus the ICC are implicitly party to the conflict and by no means impartial.
The humanitarian situation in Libya remains disastrous, with wide spread lack of basic food and medicines, unstable electricity and water supplies. Many of the countries schools and educational facilities remain closed or functioning on a minimum level of activity. Libyans reporting to nsnbc report of scores of children suffering from psychological trauma. Families are destabilized, and the internalization of the conflict is resulting in problem solving difficulties on individual, family and community level. Even though many individuals as well as organizations would be willing to assist Libyans with establishing children’s and family counseling facilities, the situation in Libya remains to unstable and dangerous for the time being.
So far the African Union as well as the Pan-African Parliament which has documented wide spread war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide on black Libyans and African migrant workers remain passive or silent.
For the ordinary Libyan citizen who got caught up in the conflict and those resisting imperialist aggression as well as the empires henchmen, I believe I can say on behalf of nsnbc and it´s readers: ” we wish you peace, justice and victory“.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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About uprootedpalestinians

A displaced Palestinian
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