What makes the holocaust so important?

by Paul Barrow

Following weeks of harasment by Zionist infiltrators Tony Greenstein and Abraham Weizfeld; Paul Barrow, an American solidarity activist told the two tribal activists what he thought of them both. ~ the Editors…

I wouldn’t be so generous as to call you or Weizfeld an “anti-Zionist Jew,” Tony (Greenstein). You look pretty Zionist to me. Zionism is not just the affirmation of the right of a Jewish claim to a bunker along the shores of the Mediterranean. It is this belief in something universally sacrosanct about Jewishness, despite lack of any evidence that there is anything universal about Jews, other than a claim to being “Jewish” that we are not allowed to criticize, regardless of how ugly “Jews” become as a political force in asserting their control over the universe in the name of their tribe. I’m not even sure of your qualifications as a Jew. No one has asked me what my preferences are as to a claim of any sort of identity, and perhaps you should establish your credentials for being a Jew in the first place, since you are so earnest in your desire to defend their honor, whatever they might have left of it after you have done with the subject. Whether one believes in the holocaust or not was not a qualification for being invited to this group any more than whether or not I believe that the Mongols invaded Finland and raped all the wives and brought about the dilution of the Finnish race. Since when is the Jewish tragedy any more important than the Finnish tragedy? No one has asked me if I acknowledge that Kashmir is an integral part of India. Is this also a demand? To question this is also a crime in India. Should I also recognize that 2 million Indians were wiped off the face of the earth by the invasion of Europeans in America? Why isn’t that on the table as well? Why isn’t every genocide in history on the table? Am I also required to admit that the Turks are guilty of Armenian genocide without question, without investigation, without any query at all?

What makes the holocaust so damned important?

Why is holocaust denial now more important to so-called Jews than acknowledging a Jewish god? What does being Jewish mean to you? To admit that there was a holocaust? Are you semitic? Who are the semites? Are you Judaic? Do you believe in the Exodus, the invasion of Palestine, the massacre of the people of Palestine, and the right of return to massacre them AGAIN? Can a white whose origins can only be traced back to the Kazars be considered semitic?

Apocalypse in Gaza

A far greater crime than being a holocaust denier is to be a Palestinian genocide denier, a Palestinian genocide ignorer, of which Jews as a lot are guilty of. There is no massive outcry. You see far more wealthy Jews funding AIPAC than funding the Palestinian cause, and funding other criminal agencies that have fundamentally taken over the American government and made us all, Jews and non Jews alike, a party to perhaps the greatest tragedy ever recorded in history of massive slaughter of Arabs and Muslims across the globe. Refusing to stand up against the crimes of Israel makes every jew complicit, because this is being done in the name of Jews. Yet I have been personally physically threatened by Jews in my own community for asking them to do this. If someone robs a bank and kills all the bank employees and says, I’m doing this for the Barrow family, are not the police going to come to me and ask me if I know anything about this, and am I reponsible for this? What am I to say?

“Shut up. Get off my porch. Get out of my face. You don’t have any right to interrogate me.”

Don’t I have an obligation to deny any role or responsibility for it? If I am silent, doesn’t that make me inherently complicit? Doesn’t at least the appearance of that seem rather suspicious? So why shouldn’t the entire world be looking at the jews and saying, “Hello. What’s up, folks?” Perhaps we should now be calling Jews Holos instead. Have you also established the synagogue of the Holos? Would that be preferable to you? Suppose I deny that there was ever an Exodus? Isn’t that far more fundamental to Jews than Auschwitz? I never heard anyone calling another an “Exodus denier.” Supposing I say that the story of Moses was stolen from the Assyrians. I’ve never heard of anyone accusing another of being a Moses denier. Supposing I say that the story of the flood was stolen from the Sumerian Gilgamesh epic? What does that make me then? A Hebrew denier? Supposing I say that Cain must have scr3wed his mother Eve or that he was a sister f**ker of some future sister because there was no one else to screw to create a global population? Are we all criminals when we say that the Hebrews were notorious liars?

Despite your protestations about ‘Atzmonites’, I notice in your blog that Atzmon is one of your favorite pasttimes, perhaps even far and above your supposed concern for the Palestinians. You have become his publicist, fundamentally. It would be interesting to me to know if there is any other person in this group who has ever written a single word about Gilad Atzmon. I’m sure he appreciates your notice, because it will certainly add much to his take at the cash register in the sale of his latest book. If he is a holocaust denier, I have yet to see any evidence of it. Certainly not from you. I have seen evidence that he asserts the right to question it, as every generation should any other aspect of historical information. Can you go beyond that? To deny something is to say that it never happened or does not exist.
I have read The Wandering Who?, perhaps Atzon’s strongest polemic on Jewish identity, and did not find a single instance of such a statement. I’ll admit that you’re an expert at reducing a fine activist mission to absolute rubbish and have a few skills in the use of epithet and meaningless distractions, however irrelevant and unsubstantiated they may be, but I have yet to see any substance to your babble. You’re nothing but a troll, Tony. You and Weizfeld both. You insist upon changing the subject and making Jewish honor more important than the Palestinian cause, which, at this point, is perhaps the most inane thing I have ever contemplated, given what 6 million Jews are now doing in that part of the globe.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

About uprootedpalestinians

A displaced Palestinian
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