Larijani: Iran Honored to Militarily Support Palestinians, "Israel" Entered Hell

Local Editor

Iran’s Speaker of Parliament Ali Larijani urged Arab states on Wednesday to follow Iran’s example of providing military assistance to the Palestinians.

“We are honored that our help has material and military aspects and these Arab countries that sit and hold meetings should know that the nation of Palestine does not need words or meetings,” Fars news agency quoted Larijani as saying.

He further sent a message to the Arab regimes: “If Arab countries want to help the nation of Palestine they should give military assistance.”
On the “Israeli” aggression, Larijani stated:

“There are different remarks about this “Israel’s” motive to attack Gaza, but there is a common viewpoint, i.e. the regime entered this hell by making a miscalculation.”

“Following the recent developments in the region that led to the isolation of the Zionist regime, they [the “Israelis”] thought that they could get themselves out of the isolation and harm the resistance movement by attacking the Gaza Strip,” he added.

The top Iranian official highlighted that “the Palestinian resistance fighters will give a firm response to “Israel’s” aggression.”

“There is no doubt that the Zionist regime will suffer serious damage in its adventurism against Gaza,” Larijani confirmed.

Source: FNA, Edited by

IRGC Commander: Iran Provides Palestinians with Fajr Missiles Technology


Wednesday, 21 November 2012 23:03
fateh-new-testTEHRAN (FNA)- Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari announced on Wednesday that Iran has provided the Palestinian groups with the needed technology to mass produce Fajr-5 missiles, adding that Palestinians now have a large depot of the strategic weapon.
“We cannot send arms to Gaza because of its siege, but we have provided them (the Palestinians) with our experiences in manufacturing Fajr-5 missiles and today this missile is being manufactured (by Palestinians) in large numbers,” Jafari told reporters here in Tehran on Wednesday.
As regards Iran’s military assistance to the Palestinian resistance groups, Jafari said, “We extend technological aid and assistance to every Muslim standing against the arrogance (power).”
Also today, Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani revealed that Tehran has extended military aid to the Palestinian Resistance groups.
“We declare proudly that we have supported the Palestinian nation and Hamas and we have the honor to declare that we will stand beside the Palestinian people in the hardest and most difficult conditions,” Larijani said on the sidelines of a rally staged by the Iranian parliamentarians in support of the Palestinians in Gaza.
“We are proud that our aid to the Palestinian people included financial and military aspects,” the Iranian speaker reiterated.
Political and military experts believe that Israel was shocked and later pushed to reassess its calculations after Palestinian groups responded to the Israeli army’s Wednesday aggression on Gaza with a stunning retaliation, hitting Tel Aviv, a move which eventually made Israel start an overture and change its war rhetoric about an impending ground incursion into Gaza to a tone of compromise in pursuit of truce.
Israel was surprised when Palestinians in Gaza targeted Tel Aviv, 70km away from the foremost Palestinian territories, for the first time on Friday. The longest range recorded by Palestinian missiles prior to Friday had been 40km.
Things grew worse for Israeli rulers when Hamas targeted Herzliya, a city 11km North of Tel Aviv, on Sunday.
Targeting Herzliya means that Palestinian resistance groups now have the capability to hit targets, at least, 80km away, much beyond the previously thought 40-km range for Palestinian missiles.
And this strategic weapon which has changed the scene of the war between Israel and Palestinians is a rocket known as Fajr-5.
Fajr-class rockets, Fajr-5 (Dawn 5) in particular, are known and described by the world military experts, as a weapon system appropriate for asymmetric wars, where the military power of the conflicting sides differs significantly.
Fajr-1 rocket is a solid fuel 107mm rocket with a range of 8.3km and can be mounted on speed boats.
Fajr-2 is the second generation of Fajr-class rockets. It is a 240mm rocket that can hit targets in 25km in distance.
Fajr-3 is an optimized version of 240mm Fajr-2 rockets but with a range of 43km and a 85kg payload. The rocket is launched by Fajr-3 rocket launchers and can provide heavy firepower in asymmetric wars.
The world class Fajr-5 is a solid fuel non-fixed wing 333mm rocket designed and optimized for artillery missions to hit enemy’s command and control, logistic, radar, communication, economic and political centers.
It is a rocket with 75km range, a payload of 178kg and speed of 1009meter per second.
The two-stage version of Fajr-5 rockets are the most effective and longest range of the Fajr-class rockets and can be used against enemy targets such as command and control centers, logistics, radar, communication, airports, plants and economic and political centers.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
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A displaced Palestinian
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