Hamas Celebrates 25th Anniversary, Significant Participation of Mashaal, Fatah

Local Editor

Hamas celebrated Saturday the 25th anniversary of its establishment by Sheikh Ahmad Yassine in a massive public ceremony in the Katiba field with the significance presence of the movement’s Political Bureau Chief Khaled Mashaal.

According to Paltoday, the movement will renew the term of Mashaal during the ceremony as he “changed his mind about leaving his position after some bureau members imposed pressure on him.”

Hamas 25The agency added that another significant participation in this year’s ceremony was that of Fatah, after an invitation it received for the first time since 2007 from Hamas.

Hamas Spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said the massive participation this year was due to the historic visit of Mashaal in the event, as well as the resistance’s victory over Israel.
Hamas military wing Ezzedine Al-Qassam brigades sent different messages to the Israeli occupation in its statement during the event.

It first warned that the Palestinian resistance “will cut the hand that will harm our leaders and people.”

The faction remembered “the major role of martyr leader Ahmad Al-Jaabari in the resistance’s victory,” saluting Iran and Turkey for their support.

“Peace be upon Iran the aid and revolution, and peace be Turkey the caliphate,” Al-Qassam brigades’ veiled spokesman said.

He also addressed the Zionist leaders saying: “If you escalate your violence, we will escalate our response. We triumphed in the last battle, even though we only used tenth of our power, then how if we fight with all own power?”

“Your time has gone and it is time for your departure, so prepare your passports and leave, as we will cut the hand that harm our leaders and people,” he told the Israelis, stressing that “America and the West must know that our nation will not accept the recklessness practiced on it.”

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
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