>Zahhar: Follow up committee meeting covers PA failure


[ 16/12/2010 – 09:31 AM ]

GAZA, (PIC)– Dr. Mahmud Al-Zahhar, political bureau member of Hamas movement, said that the Arab follow up committee meeting in Cairo on Wednesday was meant to serve as a cover for the failure of the PA in Ramallah.

He said in a press statement that the step negatively affects the Palestinian people’s interests, explaining that it would be exploited by Israel to further expand settlement activity in the West Bank, and demolish more homes in occupied Jerusalem and even launch a new war on Gaza.

The Hamas leader questioned the validity of negotiations with Israel, adding that talks have been dragging for many years but nothing was achieved.

Zahhar said that the PA leadership in Ramallah should tell the people that after long years of talks with the Israelis “we have reached the conclusion that they are not ready to grant Palestinians their basic demands”.

The Arab follow up committee resolved at conclusion of its meeting in Cairo on Wednesday night that it was waiting for a new, serious American offer to resume talks between the Fatah-controlled PA in Ramallah and the Israeli government.

Amre Mousa, the Arab League secretary general, read out the final statement of the committee at a press conference, saying that the committee found the negotiations process no longer of any use.

He added that the committee decided to go to the UN Security Council to demand a resolution halting Israeli settlement activity in Palestinian territory, and held Israel fully responsible for the stalemated negotiations process due to its insistence on settlement, colonialist activity rather than peace.

The meeting coincided with a visit to Cairo by American envoy to the Middle East George Mitchell who met with president Hosni Mubarak and Mousa.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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