>Kahloot: cutting of doctors’ salaries against reconciliation trend [What Trend??]


[ 20/05/2011 – 04:54 PM ]
GAZA, (PIC)– Dr. Atef Al-Kahloot, the general director of the medical services in the Gaza Strip, has strongly condemned the decision of the PA in Ramallah of stopping the salaries of nine Palestinian doctors who decided to return to work in the Gaza Strip, urging it to recall the decision.

In a press statement he issued in this regard, Kahloot said that the severing of the doctors’ salaries doesn’t serve the Palestinian national interest and goes against the trend of national reconciliation in the Palestinian community.

He said that what was expected is for the PA to start paying those doctors whose salaries were severed instead of severing salaries of doctors because they returned to their jobs.
Moreover, Kahloot said that since the unsolicited Palestinian rift that started in June 2007, the medical services department put the national interest over any other consideration and extended the health services to all Palestinian sectors without distinction, adding that around 80% of those benefited from the health services were military cadres affiliated to Fatah refusing to report to office and their families.
In this regard, Kahloot called on the PA chief in Ramallah Mahmoud Abbas to rethink such unpatriotic measures that go against the national will and contradict the atmosphere of the national reconciliation, and urged him to immediately issue a decision ordering all abstaining doctors to report to office and to continue paying their salaries.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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