Professor Abdul-Sattar Qasem detained by PA

[ 26/08/2011 – 08:33 PM ]
NABLUS, (PIC)– A magistrates court judge decided on Thursday to detain Abdel-Sattar Qasem, Professor of political science at Najah University, for 15 days without charge.
Qasem’s wife said that the detention was extended to 15 days despite the fact that his lawyers completed the procedure for bail.
She added that the hearing was delayed until noon on Thursday to thwart his lawyers’ efforts to get him freed on bail before the weekend.
Observers believe that Qasem’s detention is because of his criticism of the Ramallah PA and the administration of Najah University in an article in which he criticised the arbitrary expulsion of 4 students and refusing to take them back despite the fact that the students got a court ruling in their favour.

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