477 freedom-fighters released and the struggle continues

October 18, 2011 -11:58 PM
October 18, is a milestone in the history of Palestine and the region. The date of the release of 450 Palestinian prisoners including 27 female prisoners, the first step of the exchange agreement between the resistances, represented by al-Qassam Brigades, and the Zionist entity. Within two months under the terms of the agreement, supervised by the Egyptian security services,the second stage will see the release of 550 other prisoners.

This October 18th is also a milestone in the history of the national movement of prisoners, although this is not the first time an exchange takes place to release Palestinian and Arab prisoners in exchange for Zionist soldiers. However, this is the very first time a Zionist soldier is kidnapped captured on occupied Palestine land, and the first time a Zionist is held hostage by the Palestinian resistance during a period of over five years, in total secrecy, defeating the Zionist intelligence services, the east and the west and their collaborators.

It is also the first time since the Oslo accords, political prisoners of the city of al-Quds and the occupied lands of 48 are included in an exchange agreement. Having had our say; that Isma’il Haniyyé, the acting Prime Minister in Gaza,- is representing the front-line borders of Palestine.- and – For the first time so many fighters lives are rescued.! – During his first press conference, Khaled Meshaal declared that – “ the exchange agreement with the Zionist entity was a great and historic achievement.” – These public appearances actually, despite the judgments, justified or not, “rocketed” immediately after announcement of its details.

On October 18, 2011 we experienced the release of 477 combatants, members of the Palestinian resistance, who for their most part today,wish for a return to the fields of armed struggle, a selfless course aimed at improving the quality of their people’s life. In a tireless strive against the colonial administration; the Palestinian armed resistance has served their time as political prisoners.

Sent to five lifetime sentence’s, released on October 18 were 310 political prisoners, including female combatants, in exchange for one Zionist soldier The exchange agreement, which overhauled the claims of the resistance in broad outline, despite of its shortcomings, is a victory of the resistance, which reflects a balance of force on the ground. More than 100 prisoners from the West Bank city of al-Quds are released to Gaza, and 40 prisoners, including 25 of al-Quds, are deported to the Arab and Islamic countries ( Syria, Qatar and Turkey). Several leaders of the resistance are still prisoners, including Hamas movement, the Islamic Jihad, Fatah, and the PFLP … and many prisoners are still detained, including three in (48), of the occupied territories. These are items that somewhat has tarnished the joy and the rejoicing of the Palestinian people,wherever they are.
Following the issuance of the Zionist soldier, who in an interview on Egyptian television acknowledged that he had been well treated, and that he wished for the release of all Palestinian prisoners. A key-word is repeated by several Palestinian organizations, meaning the need to kidnap Zionist soldiers to exchange them for the liberation of 5000 and more prisoners, (not included are the 550 fighters to be released within two months.) The exchange agreement proved to the Palestinian people, the Arab and Islamic people, even to the rest of the world; that only resistance is able to free their freedom fighters. According to the criteria of resistance, exchange agreement alone, can not liberate such a great number of combatants.
It is true that the acting Palestinian President of Ramallah, Mahmoud Abbas, hosted prisoners return to Ramallah, which in regard, Na’ila Barghouty and Fakhry Barghouty,said: -” A deal to release many prisoners, is the very next issue with the Zionist state” Wait and see, since it seems to be an interesting case, which will become a priority in the formation of a Palestinian state – within the 1967 borders. However, it is important to note that its security services, many fighters of Islamic Jihad and the Hamas Movement are still captive in the prisons of the West Bank.


To the successful exchange agreement between the Palestinian resistance and the Zionist entity – the release of 477 Palestinian soldiers and combatants, and moreover, the pending parole of 550 prisoners, in regards to security, we must dedicate the great victory to the Palestinian resistance. During five long years of obstructed justice, besieged, bombarded with missiles from dawn to sunset, yet, still no intelligence – service in the world have been able to determine the whereabouts of a soldier held captive in an geographic area as tiny as the Gaza Strip. If the Zionists were capable of murdering the Palestinian envoy, Mahmoud Mabhouh and the Lebanese commander Hajj ‘Imad Moghnieh in countries where the resistance does not control all the data.

Hamas security men keep watch as a bus c In Gaza the Zionists entity were unable to infiltrate the resistance, whom today have gained an even greater control over their land.

Today, liberation fighters in Zionist prisons crown the years of sacrifice of a population, which has suffered from two bloody wars, air strikes, blockades, destruction and threat of annihilation. But their injuries will heal, by time their injuries will heal. The Palestinian people never exerted pressure on the leaders of the resistance to release the abducted Zionist soldier. On the contrary, the Palestinian people have
despite unmeasurable hardship carried through and patiently waited, with faith in Gods will, in the cause of his people and his prisoners. With the support of its people, resisted all international pressure. The victory of the Palestinian resistance is the victory of Gaza, for all that of the great Palestinians who refused to comply and submit to normalization with the Zionist occupant.

Finally, the comparison between the conditions of a Zionist soldier, detained by Palestinian freedom fighters, accentuates a particularly significant detail, as it is stated by the leaders of Hamas; that is, the difference between Islamic moral – the humanity of the Palestinians resistance, and the immorality of the criminal Zionists occupation of Palestine. The killing, the racial extermination, the nauseating and humiliation of prisoners in Zionist detention – centers. In their prisons, the Zionist fixed intentions are to destroy the will of the Palestinian prisoner, the Palestinian distinctive traits of mind and prominence. Yet, contrary to expectation, they have failed. Today, the will of Palestinian prisoners whom were freed from Zionist prisons, have proved ability to withstand great suffering and provocations. Palestinian political prisoners were stronger than their jailers, the Zionist entity and its institutions.These men, and women are true freedom fighters!
On Tuesday, Hamas media office in the southern town of Gaza, Khan Younis, released the names of 16 Palestinian prisoners freed by the Zionist entity in the exchange deal with the Palestinian resistance.

1. Taleeb Ibrahim Abu Mustafa
2. Ibrahim Mohammad Shabaan Ibrahim al-Hindi
3. Ismael Mousa Hussein Bakheet
4. Akram Abdul-Rahman Salameh
5. Hani Mohammad Salman Abu Setaah
6. Muunes Ahmad Hussein al-Aqaad
7. Abdul-Aziz Mohammad Abdul Aziz Masri
8. Imad Al-Deen Atta Qasem Zoroub
9. Fareed Mohammad Mahmoud Qaisi
10. Nasser Yousef Mahmoud Fadi “al-Qadi”
11. Yahia Ibrahim Hassan Al-Sinwar
12. Ihab Hasheem Mohammad Qenen
13. Ahmad Salman Ahmad al-Fajjam
14. Salam Hassan Khalil Shab
15. Alian Abdul-Kareem Salameh al-Zir
16. Mustafa Ali Hussein Ramadan

“Palestine is the heart of Arab countries” – The PalestineFreeVoice

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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A displaced Palestinian
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1 Response to 477 freedom-fighters released and the struggle continues

  1. Salaam,excellent posts brother,keep up good work…SEE IF THIS INTEREST YOU…US AMBASSADOR TO SYRIA ADRESSES ZIONIST NEOCON WINEP INSTITUTE http://thenakedfacts.blogspot.com/2011/10/us-ambassador-to-syria-adresses-zionist.html

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