Aruri: Nine women will be freed soon from Israeli jails

[ 20/10/2011 – 10:00 AM ]

DAMASCUS, (PIC)– Senior Hamas official in charge of prisoners’ file Salah Al-Aruri said the remaining nine female prisoners would be freed from Israeli jails within days.

“According to the pledges made by our Egyptian brothers, the nine female prisoners will be released within days and ahead of the second stage of the deal,” Aruri told the Palestinian information center (PIC) on Wednesday.
The Hamas official also told the PIC, commenting on Israel’s threat to harm the freed Palestinian prisoners, that there was no guarantee that Israel would not attack or recapture those prisoners in particular.
“The only guarantees we have is to respond to any aggression [by Israel]. We did not get a signature or pledge that there would be no assault on the prisoners released,” the official added.
He also warned the Israeli occupation that the Palestinian resistance has the right to resort to all means in order to release more prisoners from its jails.

“There must be no red lines for the release of our prisoners from the occupation’s jails.”

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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2 Responses to Aruri: Nine women will be freed soon from Israeli jails

  1. SALAAM,BROTEHR THESE ARE MUST SEE EXPOSES…(ZIONIST)US AMBASSADOR TO SYRIA ''UPDATES'' AND ADRESSES ZIONIST NEOCON WINEP INSTITUTE ON ''SYRIA SITUATION'' AFRICOM’s Rough Start (PRINCE TURKI EXPOSED AT VERY END) Iran Slams UN Human Rights Report by Cynthia McKinney …America's Conquest of Africa: The Roles of France and Israel BS ALERT- U.S. fears more plots from Iran's Quds Force ENJOY,SALAAM…

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