Gordon Duff on Press TV: Time for a ‘Regime Change’ in the United Staes – How Gordon???

To break the Pepsi or Cock formula, Gordon Duff calls a regime change in America
As “there is no longer a civil government in the United States and the people cannot trust local courts or the police anymore.” My question to Gordon: How would you change the regime??
Would you call “Russia or China to attack Obama Now??? Or you would say Obama is not, like Quddafi killing his own people???


“Growing protests targeting the financial system, which has caused the recent wars and debt crisis, points out the need for a ‘regime change’ in the United States”

Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Veterans Today

EDITORS’ NOTE: Duff stressed “9/11 is the root cause of the financial issues, of the war and the loss of civil rights in the US.”

He commented on the US President Barack Obama’s serious attempt to control the financial industry, which has committed massive financial fraud under the Republican Party by printing out its own money without authorization. He added the system will get a thousand times worse under the Republican Party. They want to go back to what was done under Bush, print counterfeit money out of thin air. He says The Federal Reserve is an illegal institution. Their purpose is to keep the money in the hands of the 1% in the country.
He commended the young people on the street for being right on targeting the Financial system. He added they need to learn more about 9/11 and the root cause of the Financial crisis. He believes this awakening gives real hope.

He criticized the government handling of the ‘Occupy’ movement, saying that there is no longer a civil government in the United States and the people cannot trust local courts or the police anymore.

Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran. A 100% disabled vet. He has been a featured commentator on TV and radio including Al Jazeera and his articles have been carried by news services around the world. He has been a UN Diplomat, defense contractor and is a widely published expert on military and defense issues. Duff is Senior Editor at one of the most widely read Veterans Online publications Veterans Today

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