Revolution or STEALING Libyan MONEY?

In his latest piece, Gordon Duff, to justify his bloody call “AMERICA MUST ATTACK GADDAFI NOW!” claims that America is in the middle of a very real revolution, same as Libya or Egypt.” 

No sir, what happened in Libya, and ongoing in Syria, is a reaction to the real revolutions in Tunis and Egypt. What happened in Libya is the Obama’s version of what Bush did in Iraq.

In Libya case, “America spent $2 billion and didn’t lose a single life. This is more the prescription for how to deal with the world as we go forward than it has in the past.” Biden comparing the regime change unfolding in Libya with the Bush administration’s approach to Iraq.
It has nothing to do with democracy and human right.


River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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1 Response to Revolution or STEALING Libyan MONEY?

  1. GORDON DUFF MUST NOT SEEN JIBRILS LATEST APPEARENCE AFTER WESTERN COUP..OR IS HE PLAYING OSTRIDGE AGAIN? GLOBALISTS/WAR-CRIMINALS/CIA PUPPET ''ARAB RULERS'' AND THE NEOLIBERAL ECONOMIC AGENDA … At World Economic Forum, Arab Spring looms large There is a frisson of crisis in the air here as a thousand people from more than 50 countries meet to discuss the economic realities of the Arab Spring, under the auspices of the World Economic Forum. Sleek sheikhs, bespoke-suited businessmen, a few women, diplomats, government ministers and a couple of kings have come to the lowest place on earth to take part in the Forum’s “Special Meeting on Economic Growth and Job Creation in the Arab World.” The superstar of this session is Mahmoud Jibril, chairman of Libya’s National Transitional Council. Amidst congratulations that the shadow of Gaddafi no longer falls on his land, Jibril said: “I didn’t think I would live to see this day.” Ibraham Dabdoub, of Kuwait’s national bank, called for a new Marshall Plan for the Arab World. But Libya’s Jibril brought him up short by saying that it wasn’t a question of money, it was a problem of “mind set.” MADELLINE ALBRIGHT ,KING OF SPAIN,ATTENDED….

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