A Middle East ‘scholar’s’ quantification …


Randa Slim a ‘scholar’ at the Middle East Institute decides that “While it is impossible to know which side commands a majority, a critical mass of Syrians has clearly opted for regime change...”, when this past week has witnessed massive pro-regime demonstrations in the most unlikely parts of Syria.

‘Raqqah, today’

Even the WSJ had this to say in a piece titled “Assad has the Upper hand“:massive crowds gathered in several cities, including Damascus, to pledge their loyalty to Mr. Assad. Syria’s state television, broadcasting scenes of crowds chanting “The people want Bashar al-Assad,” said some two million people gathered at the capital’s Ummayad Square last Wednesday. It broadcast fresh scenes of a loyalist demonstration in the southern city of Suweida on Sunday.“At one point, what we call the silent majority came to be aligned with the street protests at least from a humanitarian and moral point of view. But now they’ve stepped back again,”

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A displaced Palestinian
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