Hamas: PA security arrested 47 resistance activists in the West Bank last month

[ 06/11/2011 – 04:48 PM ]

GAZA, (PIC)– Hamas’s information office issued its monthly report documenting the breaches of the PA in Ramallah, during the month of October 2011.
The introduction of the report which was published on Hamas’s website read: “Abbas’s security apparatuses in the West Bank insisted on spoiling the joy of West Bank residents for the release of captives [from occupation jails] as part of a deal reached by Hamas.”
The report comprised three elements: “arrests and kidnappings”, “oppressive courts, summonses and human rights breaches” and “manifestations of security coordination with the occupation army.”
The report stated that the PA in the West Bank continued its campaign of kidnapping and arresting leaders and cadres of Hamas and the resistance in general. In October alone 47 Palestinians were known to have been arrested.
In the executive summery the report stated that the PA security apparatuses still refuse to abide by court rulings stipulating the release of some of those political prisoners, as their detentions are either extended, or they get arrested as soon as they are released such as in the case of journalists Muhammad Muna.

About uprootedpalestinians

A displaced Palestinian
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