Qasem Occupation does not want a lull in Gaza, denies being part of it

[ 05/11/2011 – 09:55 PM ]
NABLUS, (PIC)– Professor Abedl Sattar Qasem, lecture in political science at al-Najah University in Nablus, said that the Israeli occupation does not want a lull with the Palestinians and does not admit to being a party to any such agreements with the Palestinian resistance.
In a statement to PIC on Saturday evening, Qasem renewed his call for the Palestinian resistance to set up a joint military council to repel the continued Zionist attack, saying: “It makes no sense that every Palestinian works on his own”
He added: “The lull should be decided from one side, the Palestinian side. The Palestinian resistance is the party who should assess the situation and not the Zionist occupation. The resistance should have the last word in this regard.”
Commenting in the death of a resistance fighter on the eve of Eid al-Adha, he said that the Palestinian resistance to take more care and develop security procedures, adding that those are still not enough despite the military development of the resistance.

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