Wife of Adnan: He is weak but not in a coma

Wife of Adnan: He is weak but not in a coma

[ 14/02/2012 – 09:21 PM ]

JENIN, (PIC)– The wife of hunger striker Sheikh Khader Adnan has said that he was adamant on continuing in his struggle to the finish but denied that he was in a coma.
The wife, Um Abdurahman, told the PIC reporter on Tuesday that the Sheikh was very weak and could not move but did not lose consciousness.
“He is always dizzy and frequently vomits but his morale is high and his will is of steel,” she said of her husband’s health condition.
She said that the Israeli court ruling that ordered his detention for four months and refused his lawyer’s request for his release made him more determined to continue in his hunger strike that entered its 59th day.
Um Abdurahman asked the media and all official and private sectors in Palestine and outside to stand beside her husband who is struggling on behalf of all prisoners.
Hamas MPs in the West Bank participated in a sit-in on Tuesday in solidarity with Adnan, an Islamic Jihad leader, and expressed surprise at the Arab official silence toward his case.
They asked the world community to intervene and pressure Israel to free Adnan and their kidnapped colleagues, who were detained in violation of the international laws and norms.
They called for internationalizing the issue of Palestinian prisoners and raising their issue at all international platforms and humanitarian organizations.

Human rights group warns: Adnan in a coma

[ 14/02/2012 – 11:34 AM ]

GAZA, (PIC)– The Palestinian center for the defense of prisoners has warned that detained Islamic Jihad leader Sheikh Khader Adnan was in danger of death after he reportedly went into a coma.

Ismail Al-Thawbta, the director of the center, said in a press release on Tuesday that news reports from inside the Israeli jails indicated that Adnan was in a coma after his health condition greatly deteriorated after 59 days of hunger strike.
Thawabta held the Israeli occupation authority fully responsible for the life of Adnan, adding that the policy of administrative detention, to which Adnan was protesting, was in blatant violation of the international and humanitarian laws.
He urged the Palestinian people to revolt against the Israeli repression of prisoners in general and in solidarity with Adnan in particular.
The director called on all human rights groups to intervene and pressure Israel into releasing Adnan, who is held without any charge, and asked the media to shed light on his case.

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Israeli court refuses to release hunger striker

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
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A displaced Palestinian
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