Dancing Around the Maypole

May 1st, or May Day, was considered by several cultures to be an important holiday, especially in occult circles due to celestial alignments.
The Beltane festival, an ancient Gaelic celebration of sexuality, fertility…and blood sacrifices.
The origins of the Beltane festival can be traced back to the celebration of the Sumerian God Enlil – who is known to us as Baal. more

Dances of deception…..

Obama makes a secret trip to Afghanistan, meets with Karzai and signs a long term agreement to never leave as long as there are profits to be made. He gave an address to the nation from there saying basically… 9/11, al Qaeda, bin Laden, Taliban, “God bless our troops, God bless the U.S..”

Reinforcing the myth of bin laden’s death … hereherehere … ad nauseum.

Occupy has violence up its sleeve? The police certainly do.

Watch out for the homegrown terrorists. Dupes never learn.

Provocateurs? What provocateurs?

White powder sent to banks is hinted at to be from occupiers and turns out to be corn starch. Bankers said “oh heck,” we thought it might be our coke shipment.

Don’t forget the old time psyops with new techniques. The greatest threat to the US … al Qaeda in Yemen! They’re cranking up the radiation on the x-ray machines at the airport checkpoints it was reported.

What??? RT says with a straight face “Porn files reveal Al-Qaeda master plan to terrorize Europe.”

What??? Tzipi doesn’t want war and says that Netanyahu’s government is putting the existence of the jewish state “in mortal danger.” Pat Robertson’s peeps interview an Israeli pilot who says “we’re getting ready.” Last chance to send Pat some mo’ money before the rapture. Let’s hope he’s one of the first to ‘disappear.’ And that he takes several of his ‘friends’ with him.

An oldie but goodie. Suitable for the new order maypole dance?

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

About uprootedpalestinians

A displaced Palestinian
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