Eye on the Enemy: Likud, Kadima:No Big Difference, Egyptians Oppose Normalization with "Israel"

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Meridor: Likud, Kadima, No big difference
Walla! News – Pinchas Wolf

Several weeks have passed since Kadima joined the coalition, and already one of the senior government officials and Likud party call for a parties’ union. Meeting with a group of Hasidic Jews in al-Quds (Jerusalem), which took place last weekend, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intelligence, Dan Meridor, said that he supports the return of Kadima to Likud.

“I would support Likud going back to what it was, and Kadmia joining Likud again, but how will they do it? Will they return in person or reach agreements? I do not understand it,” said Meridor and added, “I said from the beginning, to unite the Likud again. Arik Sharon was behind disbanding the Likud, this is history, because of the withdrawal from Gaza and so.”

Meridor explained that currently there is no difference between the prime minister’s Likud and Kadima. “You listen to the Prime Minister on Palestinians; the same words of Kadima on the economic and social level. I do not think there are major differences, so why having two entities? What’s the point?”
85% of Egyptians oppose any type of normalization with “Israel”
“Israel” Hayom-Daniel Siryoti
Menachem Begin Heritage Center published yesterday a poll to evaluate the Egyptian public’s position regarding their country’s peace treaty with “Israel”. The poll, which was conducted by the Maagar Mochot research institution managed by Prof. Yitzhak Katz in conjunction with a Palestinian polling company, showed that the vast majority of Egyptians – more than 85% – oppose any type of normalization with “Israel” and want to see a worsening of relations, even to levels of “hatred.”

However, the survey also showed that 90% of Egyptians believe that peace is preferable to war, and that the peace treaty with “Israel” was the “right choice.”

Source: Hebrew papers, Translated and Edited by moqawama.org
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  

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A displaced Palestinian
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