Bahrain Regime Surrounds Capital, Quells Protestors Heading There

Local Editor
The Bahraini regime forces deployed in Manama, quelling the crowds who were heading towards the capital to take part in the march that the opposition called for.

AFP quoted protestors as saying that Secretary General of Al-Wefaq Society Sheikh Ali Salman was among the crowds, while Bahraini sources reported that the security forces were surrounding Sheikh Salman and a crowd of protestors in Momin mosque in Manama.

Moreover, the Bahraini forces surrounded the capital from all its entrances, outrageously suppressing citizens trying to join the protes and arresting a number of them.

Opposition Condemns Regime’s Suppressing of Protestors

Bahrain ForcesThe Bahraini opposition warned the regime of the dangers of going on with its suppression, reassuring its adherence to its strategic demands of implementing reforms, and of the people’s right to protest in various Bahraini regions.

The opposition further called upon the UN Human Rights Council to take punishment measures against the Bahraini regime so that it halts its constant suppression and its recklessness towards the international treaties on top of which is the Human Rights Council’s recommendations to the regime.

For its part, Bahrain Forum noted that the countries’ criticisms to the Bahraini regime’s unjust trials do not match with the violations taking place, considering that this is pushing the authority towards more violence.

It also stressed that the Bahraini regime is proving day after day that it is not ready for a serious dialogue with the opposition.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
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