’Turkish Officers Directly Commanding Syria Insurgents’

Local Editor
Turkish officers are directly commanding insurgents in northern Syria, as they are coordinating with US Central Intelligence Agency CIA.
syria militants
Debkafile, which is widely believed to have close links to Israeli intelligence sources, reported on Thursday that insurgents in the cities of Idlib and Aleppo receive orders from headquarters in the southeastern Turkish city of Gaziantep.

Meanwhile the director of the CIA David Petraeus, arrived in Ankara on Monday to discuss Turkey’s proposal to expand its military presence in Syria. After meeting with Turkish military and intelligence chiefs, Petraeus flew to the Zionist entity to hold similar talks with the Tel Aviv regime, the report said.

Earlier on June 21, The New York Times also reported that a group of CIA officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011. Damascus says outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorists are the driving factor behind the unrest and deadly violence while the opposition accuses the security forces of being behind the killings.

The Syrian government says that the chaos is being orchestrated from outside the country, and there are reports that a very large number of the armed militants are foreign nationals.

Damascus also says the insurgents are supported by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
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