Arab Spring Pays Back in Dollars

by Roy Tov
Sunday, September 16th, 2012 Arabs Answer American Violence

Ambassador Christopher Stevens
USA Ambassador Christopher Stevens Killed in Libya
Once upon a time, there was a Kingdom of Justice and Light. The kings served there in periods of four years and insisted on being called “Mr. President.” That was true until the year 2000, when the son of a former king was chosen to office by the voice of a single Justice who had been appointed by his father. From that moment onwards, it had become pretty close to a formal kingdom. Yet, they didn’t define themselves as such; they claimed that they were the world’s most powerful country, and prided themselves on their democracy. They weren’t exactly a democracy of the people; they left such a title to backward countries like North Korea. They were a democracy of corporations. These organizations were recognized by the kingdom as judicial persons, and were those guiding and funding the government’s behavior. Many of these soulless persons were rather innocent, busying themselves in the science of preparation of greasy hamburgers and similarly useless tasks. However, the largest and most powerful among them made money out of war. For over half a century they had run amok around the globe attacking any target they knew would not react. This created jobs at home and kept the powerful military busy and happy. Once upon a time, there was a Kingdom of Justice and Light; of course, it wasn’t exactly a kingdom, justice was reserved to corporations, and the only lights were the interrogation lamps constantly aimed at the people by their paranoiac, illegitimate government. Once upon a time, this looked like an unbeatable scheme; then, things changed.

Two Wars

americanconsulatebenghaziIn Afghanistan, American got luckier. They completed a survey that had been initiated in the 19th century by Russians and Britons during the Great Game, and discovered huge reserves of rare earth elements (for details see USA answers Europe Attempt to Secure Rare Earth Elements and Hidden Rare Earth Elements War Heats Up). American corporations and their puppet-regime in Kabul are planning their exploitation; accordingly, the USA is unlikely to leave Afghanistan until the ores are taken away. I have no doubt the USA would be utterly surprised to find that as soon as they begin robbing the ores from the Afghani people, a new guerrilla war will erupt. Soon afterwards, Americans will begin missing the Taliban regime.
A few years ago, I read an article claiming that the current century would also be an “American Century.” The statistics supporting this are amazing; since its foundation, the USA has fought over 500 wars (see American Led Apocalypse). The USA is beyond any doubt the most violent country in human history. This new and brave “American Century” begun accordingly with two major wars, in Iraq and Afghanistan. On paper, both were American victories on the meek. Yet, on September 4, 2012, The New York Times, reported “Iran has resumed shipping military equipment to Syria over Iraqi airspace” (see Eastern Limit of Western Power). Iran’s capability of doing so was the direct result of the American attack on Iraq, which left the latter without an air force. Slowly, the American victory on Iraq is turning out to be something different. Of course, the American Administration would be the last organization on the planet to admit that.

The two first major wars of this century clearly sign this century won’t be an American one. Both are widely considered illegitimate and have damaged American position. The third war confirmed that.

The Third War

CNN in Spanish is unwatchable. It inherited the slightly propagandistic style of its English Big Brother. This could be bearable on small amounts. However, when combined with the weirdest anchors on earth the effect is grotesque. Why should an anchor shout? Why should another one triplicate every “r” he founds along the way? (Afterwards he stops for a sec, to let the audience enjoy the effect). Yet, while in Bolivia this is my most direct access to American mainstream media. In the aftermath of the attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, I watched the CNN. “Just this tiny item,” I promised myself, feeling slightly nauseous. It paid off immediately.

“They didn’t shoot the ambassador. He was safe. He suffocated to death.”

This is the summary of the silly analysis offered by a Spanish-speaking American; during his speech, the anchor kept distracting the audience with unlikely antics. The American was trying to diminish the success of the attack. Bizarre on the verge of self-delusional, the CNN failed to mention that Benghazi had been the first conquest of the mercenaries that had ousted Kaddafi. Even the term “Arab Spring,” the formal name of the third major war of this century was barely mentioned. Make no mistake; this is a major war, despite its feeble results. Rulers were changed in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen. Egypt is the clearest failure. The revolution there led to the exchange of Mubarak—an American puppet—by President Mohamed Morsi, who is affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood. Mass protests took place in Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, and Sudan; minor ones in Lebanon, Mauritania, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, and Western Sahara. The instigators of the events were hit back almost immediately—in Egypt—and are about to be hit again in other locations.

There is no doubt that the “Arab Spring” is a string of carefully coordinated attacks by the Americans on the Arab World. It has been denounced so repeatedly by Russia and China, which had provided plenty of proofs, including convincing testimony of made-up events and photographs by the American media. Not only the Western media ignores these accusations, but it also misleads the public. In the specific case of Libya, it presented the revolution as a popular uprising against Kaddafi.

In February 2011, we were told by Western media that the Arab Spring had reached Libya. However, those paying attention to details, noticed something odd in the reports: the so called “popular protests” began by a group of mercenaries taking control of Benghazi, near the Egyptian border. They have entered Libya from Egypt. In May the rebels took the city of Misrata and things began looking bad for Muammar Kaddafi’s government. On, August 23, the rebels took control Bab al-Aziziya, the government complex in Tripoli. Kaddafi escaped, but shortly after he was caught and assassinated. Instead of a popular rebellion, we watched the advance of an unknown infantry army backed up by the air force of Nato’s Terror Marshals. In the West, the rebels became known as the “National Transitional Council” and were recognized as Libya’s legal government for unclear reasons; after all they have not been elected by the people. Opposing the barbaric attacks of NATO on civilians were China, Russia and Venezuela.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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A displaced Palestinian
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