Mursi may join Arab intervention in Syria

 Egypt may join Arab intervention in Syria

Published Sunday, September 30, 2012
“We will not be calm, we will not settle down until this bloodshed stops and until the will of the Syrian people to choose their own leader is realised,”
Egypt may take part in an Arab military intervention in Syria, provided this does not (TO) open the door to Western intervention, a political adviser to Egyptian President Mohammed Mursi told Turkey’s Anadolu news agency Saturday.
“We are in principle ready for an Arab intervention in Syria after the limits, goals and features of that intervention are made clear,” said Saif Abdel Fattah.
In a speech before the UN General Assembly Tuesday, Qatari Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani called on Arab states to intervene militarily in Syria, citing an Arab-league backed intervention during Lebanon’s civil war as an “effective and useful” precedent.
Analysts have since warned that such a move could trigger a counter-intervention from Iran, sparking an even wider regional conflict.
Abdel Fattah went on to say that Egypt may pressure Turkey to put the Qatari proposal into effect. He added that Mursi would be discussing the issue with Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan during his visit to Turkey Sunday.
Turkey is an ardent supporter of military intervention in Syria, and has pushed the UN Security Council to impose a no-fly zone over the country. The proposals have been repeatedly shot down by China and Russia.
ארדואן ומשעל. אויבים משותפים (צילום: AP)
 Khaled Meshaal the head of the political bureau of the  “Hamas” movement lauds the Syrian people’s uprising. welcomed what he called a “revolution” of the Syrian people who are seeking freedom and dignity, ” praising the role of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Syria,” which  shall  not be forgeten.

Palestinians protest closure of Gaza lifeline tunnels

Published Sunday, September 30, 2012
Dozens of Palestinians gathered near Gaza’s border with Egypt Sunday morning to protest against a month-long crackdown on smuggling tunnels, which serve as a life-line in Gaza’s besieged economy.
Tunnel owners told the Ma’an News Agency Friday that just 10 percent of the network is still in operation.

Hamas leaders, local officials and residents waved Egyptian and Palestinian flags and called on Egypt to protect the entry of goods into Gaza.

The Gaza Strip is under an Israeli land and sea blockade, aided by Egypt’s frequent closures of the Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt.

To circumvent the blockade, Palestinians built a network of more than 1,000 tunnels, breathing life into a floundering economy.

An August 5 militant attack on Egyptian policemen in the Sinai peninsula, which killed 16, prompted the government to close most of Gaza’s nearly 1,000 tunnels. Authorities said they suspected the militants had been sneaking into Egypt from Gaza via the tunnels, which they had previously turned a blind eye to.

Tunnel owners said the Egyptian and Palestinian authorities have started exerting their power to insist on knowing who and what is passing through.

Gaza’s ministry of national economy said monthly imports of basic foodstuffs had fallen by 31 percent, and construction materials had declined by 45 percent since the tunnel closures.

Hamas official Yousef Farahat told reporters at Sunday’s demonstration that the tunnels were “the lifeblood” of the Gaza Strip. He urged the Egyptian government, led by Islamist president Mohammed Mursi, to take practical steps to help Gaza’s besieged economy.

“Don’t force us to lose hope in the Egyptian revolution and in the new regime,” he said.
Hamas wants to reduce its dependence on Israel’s blockade policies by increasing economic links with Egypt.

(Ma’an, Al-Akhbar)

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
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A displaced Palestinian
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