By Daniel Mabsout, 

Every time the Zionist Jews hit and strike with their weapons , they talk about peace . Just watch the Zionist Jews after they wage war or commit a butchery, they will tell you about peace. You can watch them on Face Book filling their posts with comments about peace, and the necessity to find peace, and have peace and negotiate and talk about peace and reach peace. It is very shocking indeed . If you followed on FB the Israeli posts after the ugly Israeli assault on Gaza, you would have noticed the extensive use of the word peace repeated more than any other word .

Do the Israelis want peace or is peace another strategy of war ? The truth is that -after the war was over- the Israelis start attacking using peace or the notion of peace; and this is not restricted to Israelis for this is a world strategy -as well- followed by all the predator countries who want to exterminate original countries and original people. The strategy of peace- as a means for war- has not started long time ago , it was probably brought by the United Nations and got inspired from the Gandhi example and became encompassing with the process of globalization which catered for one global economy and needed – for that reason- the existence of one humanity.

The peace the predators talk about is not any peace , it is the peace of the predator , the one that the victim should seek and ask for so that the predator enjoys his supremacy and reaps “peacefully” the fruits of the bloody endeavor he has engaged in . It is the peace required by the aggressor in order to get away with the crimes he has committed and not fear any rightful and righteous retaliation on behalf of the victim . One has to make sure that the victim is deprived of the means to transcend this victimization into taking the initiative and retrieving his rights,  because a victim- seeking justice and persevering steadfastly on this path will- sooner or later- find a way to be granted victory and justice  .

This,  the predator knows very well, that his victory is transitional and accidental and will not last. Therefore, the predator works on creating new conditions and new circumstances whereby he offers peace to the victim as a means to deceive him and deprive him of the will and intention to prepare and equip himself and take the necessary precautions and measures to avoid what is planned for him .This ”peace” offered by the predator is again nothing but a means to erase his crime and look innocent again and render his victim powerless and helpless and for this he needs the participation of the victim himself.
When the predator poses as innocent hoping to become one , then we end up with two innocent people -the victim and the aggressor -who can at last form the one humanity that the world order has been longing for . When there is no more a predator and a victim , when there is no more a crime because the crime has wittingly hidden under layers of peace and peace talks and peace negotiations and peaceful humanity, then the predator can resume- the least to say – “peacefully”- the mission of exterminating humanity without being disturbed.

Verily this” peace” notion and “peace” concept and “peace” endeavor carried on by the UN and its multiples institutions,  and carried on by so many organizations – whether governmental or non governmental- and by so many activists- local and foreigners- is the most powerful war weapon that has ever existed . Whenever you hear the word peace- filling the place and occupying the space- know that a bloody war is ahead and more innocent victims liable to fall. This would be  the bloody outcome of Peace.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

About uprootedpalestinians

A displaced Palestinian
This entry was posted in "Peace Process", Arafat, Daniel Mabsout, Oslo, Perez, Zionist entity. Bookmark the permalink.


  1. SUPERB, SIMPLY SUPERBInsightful… Concise… Sharp… Arrow-like precision, and to the point THANK YOU BR DANIEL

  2. Daniel Mabsout is incisive and sharp. His analysis is always astute, and goes beyond the narrow boundaries of thought that are shackling our time.The topic he addresses here, is a breach of these insane and blinding taboos.Those who have eviscerated peace, have not let the word escape, and have eviscerated the word as well. Peace is not any more a high ideal of harmony between different people, but has become a word-weapon, used as deception, to disarm legitimate, lawful, necessary and courageous thus honorable violence of defense, and only defense.By disarming Resistance, by downgrading the concept of meaningful Resistance into some kumbaya hug distributing hypocrisy, assorted with a few crystals hanging at the windows and possibly some infusion of the Kabbalh hocus-pocus poison, the aggressors are exempt from any form of noble resistance, and thus are given carte blanche for vast genocides.Those of the Jews who have decided to venture out of the Human community and to adopt the belief of an alleged superiority, are committing wars of aggression as a matter of ideology, irrespective of this being in infraction of every international law and every system of ethics, whether religious or secular who have conducted nations through history, slowly distancing themselves from war.Further, to whomever is attentive, it will not escape that those of the Jews who act as the enemies of humanity, are totally devoid of any form of creativity, which of course contradicts their sempiternal claim to be more intelligent and with superior DNA. Without theft, they would be left in the dustbin of evolution.Their war mongering is the painstaking application of the Art of War, published in China in the 5th Century BC by Sun Tzu.The Mossad's and overall the Jewish state's logo is a take-off from Sun Tzu: "By deception we rule"A few quotes by Sun Tzu will resonate with Daniel Mabsout's article, and shed a light to that sinister area of infiltration, whereby some self-proclaimed anti-zionist Jews, come and proselytize to the victims of atrocious violence that Peace and Non-Violence is the panacea that will drive them to defeat the aggressor… never mind the fact that the aggressor is bent on annihilating the Palestinians.Quotes by Sun Tzu:"All war is deception""To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill""Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting"

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