Obama working to ‘craft’ a new Syrian opposition & ‘undermine’ the old Turkish one!


‘Fail once, twice, …try again!’

“….The State Department has been heavily involved in crafting the new council as part of its effort oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and build a more viable and unified opposition. In September, for instance, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with a group of Syrian activists who were flown in to New York for a high-level meeting that has not been reported until now….

Many in the SNC are accordingly frustrated with the level of support they’ve gotten in Washington. “The Obama administration is trying to systematically undermine the SNC. It’s very unfortunate,” one SNC leader said told The Cable.

But U.S. officials are equally frustrated with an SNC they say has failed to attract broad support, particularly from the Alawite and Kurdish minorities. The new council is an attempt to change that dynamic. Dozens of Syrian leaders will meet in the Qatari capital, Doha, on Nov. 3 and hope to announce the new council as the legitimate representative… The SNC will have a minority stake in the new body, but some opposition leaders are still skeptical that the effort will succeed……. the exact structure of the council will be determined in Qatar, not before.

We need to be clear: This is what the Americans support, and if you want to work with us you are going to work with this plan….!”

The Turkish government has been wary of the new effort because it has been heavily invested in the SNC, and the new council intentionally puts the SNC in a minority position…… the administration believes the Turks will ultimately come around to embrace the new body……

Other Syrian activists warn that the new council is far from a sure thing.
One external opposition activist with ties to military leaders inside Syria told The Cable there’s a risk the Doha meeting could be only the latest example of the opposition’s failure to coalesce around a common vision and plan for a post-Assad Syria……

“There’s a rising presence of Islamist extremists. So we need to help these [military council leaders], the majority of them are secular, relatively moderate, and not pursuing an overly vicious agenda (like slitting throats after washing hands?) ” the official said. …”

About uprootedpalestinians

A displaced Palestinian
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