Nasser Kandil analyzing Nasrallah’s Martyrs day speech

After 1973 war Kissinger said: No war without Egypt, and no peace without Syria. In front of the failure in the domestication of Syria, and the failure to destroy Hezbollah in July 2006, the enemy thought that by destoying Syria they would isolate Hezbollah and liquidate the Palestinian cause. Having failed to defeat Syria, the would think they would bribe Hezbollah, as they did with international brotherhood, and sublet Lebanon to Hezbollah. Yesterday Nasrallah implicitly declared the he will not be a part in any settlement of the crisis Syrian or Iranian nuclear file, instead he laid a new equation:
No Peace Without Hezbollah and Hezbollah will not compromise on a grain of soil of Palestine.
more to follow…

In case you missed it:

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
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About uprootedpalestinians

A displaced Palestinian
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