Lobby: Canada Postal Union is antisemitic!

Stephen Harper’s government has asked country’s Postal Workers Union (CUPW) to apologize for insulting Canada’s closest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel.

philatelynews_Israel_canada[1]The union is once again chased by the powerful Jewish lobby groups for using its news letter to spread hatred towards Israel. “Canada is allowing Israel to terrorize occupied people, breach international law, normalize home demolition, build prison-style walls, checkpoints and steal resources,” says March newsletter.

Steven Fletcher, Harper’s minister of transporation, who also oversees Canada Post, has slammed the CUPW for crossing the “red-line”. “The CUPW should apologize for this misuse of public funds,” he said.

Jewish MP Mark Adler, member of Harper’s Conservative Party, has claimed that the newsletter outraged the Jewish community and many members of the parliament and union members.

Israel lobby groups, in past, had claimed that CUPW used fund on political activitism against state of Israel. They have accused CUPW for funded activists to attend the World Social Forum’s “Free Palestine” conference in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and a confab in Holguin, Cuba to demand the US release five Cuban agents arrested for espionage. CUPW has refused the allegations.

In January 2013, when Canada Post issued a new stamp in honor of Swedish-born Jew, Raoul Wallenberg, for saving 100,000 Jews in Hungary during WW II – all these whinos congratulated head of Canada Post, Indian-born Hindu Deepak Chopra.

In the past, Canada Post have issued stamps commemoratig Jewish events which were never blamed for being politically motivated. For example, it issued a stamp wishing 23 million Canadians “Happy Chanukah” in October 2011. In 2010 Canada Post issued a stamp marking the 60th anniversary of Canada’s bilateral relations with Israel (see top left). In 1995, it issed a stamp to publicize the Jewish Holocaust.
The CUPW leadership is known for its criticism of the Zionist regime. It was the first Canadian union to call for the boycott of the Zionist entity in 2008. the union has 54,000 members. Canada Post is a ‘Crown Corporation’.

I would like to end this post by quoting the most dumb propaganda piece I have the misfortune to read against CUPW. On March 6, 2013, some so-called the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies (FSWC) posted the following statement:

There is an absolute neglect by CUPW of the ongoing anti-Jewish violence and terror faced by Israel on a daily basis. This demonstrates a profound bias against a people who, despite being repeatedly dispossessed throughout history, have managed to create the only democratic nation in the Middle East with equal rights for all its citizens on the land which is their historical birthright,” says Avi Benlolo, President and CEO of FSWC.

How some person could be so idiot? American Jewish author Marianne Williamson told Kevin Barrett PhD last year that Israel is not a democracy. On the other hand, Israeli columnist, Gideon Levy, in daily Ha’aretz called Israel a half democracy. I wonder if Benlolo ever bothered to study some objective source to find out why his Khazarian ancestors were expelled from almost every European country – 108 times?

The Simon Wiesenthal Center, which is named after the ‘Farther of Holocaust’ Simon Wiesenthal – less said the better. Israeli historian and author, Tom Segev PhD, has called Wiesenthal, ”a fame-seeking myth-maker and an Israeli Mossad agent”. Former Austrian Jewish Chancellor Bruno Kreisky called Weisenthal a “Gestapo collaborator”. Dr. Norman Finkelstein in his controversial book ‘The Holocaust Industry’ called Wiesenthal “a liar”.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

About uprootedpalestinians

A displaced Palestinian
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4 Responses to Lobby: Canada Postal Union is antisemitic!

  1. mulligas says:

    Wallenberg wasn't a Jew. He was raised a protestant and had a jewish great or great great grandparent. This is an all right article except for the Khazar reference and blaming the Jews for being expelled.

  2. Michael says:

    Not only was Wallenberg a jew but he was also a citizen of the Jewish terror state. Personally I'm tired of hearing myths about Jewish "victim hood" especially the so called "holocaust" . I prefer to remember the part Jews played in Bolshevism/communism and the deaths of 60 million they played a part in.

  3. mulligas says:

    re MichaelWhat evidence do you have that Wallenberg was a Jew? He was from a very well known Swedish family with a publicly known genealogy. Wallenberg was a Swedish citizen all his life and was arrested by the Soviets in 1945, before Israel even existed and never even visited the Middle East. How could he have been a citizen of Israel? Its pretty hypocritical of you to complain about Jewish propaganda, when you repeat examples of discredited Cold War propaganda, such as 60 million people killed by Communism.

  4. Michael says:

    Wallenberg liked to say: “someone who is half a Jew and half a Wallenberg can never be defeated.”here's no evidence to suggest Wallenberg died before the instigation of the jewish terror state , but he was given Israeli citizenship.Well 40 million to 60 million died because of Jewish communism. I'm afraid just disagreeing with history doesn't change it

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